Adria Patthoff

Headshot of Adria Patthoff

UC Santa Cruz
PhD Student 

Adria is a third year Education doctoral student and a credentialed early childhood and elementary educator in California and New York. Adria received her BS in Communication Studies from Northwestern University (2005) and her MA in Early Childhood Education from New York University (2009). Her fifteen years' experience in education includes PreK-Grade 3 general and special education, in public, charter, and dual language schools, as well as managing an after school tutoring program. She continues to support a dual language school in Mountain View, mentoring teachers and developing and conducting parent and teacher workshops. She is currently a graduate student researcher for MALLI (Math and Language Literacy Integration) and CTERIN. Adria's early experiences with supportive and instructional mentors and advisors has led her to pursue the question of whether and how early field experiences can be more effectively structured to support PST learning and development, particularly in relation to consistent and complementary interactions between PSTs and Teacher Educators (Cooperating Teachers, Supervisors, Teaching Professors/Lecturers). Becoming a part of the CTERIN ETE network is an invaluable experience for any aspiring teacher educator, and Adria is excited to collaborate with this community.