Kim Uebelhardt


Ventura County Office of Education

Kim Uebelhardt, Executive Director of VCOE Educator Support and Effectiveness, is responsible for CTC accreditation of eight (8) VCOE credential programs, including Teacher Induction, Administrator Induction, Added Authorizations, and Designated Subjects. She serves as a CTC Bureau of Institutional Reviewers for Accreditation, is an Advisory Committee member for CSU Channel Islands School of Education, and is the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CESSA) representative for CTERIN. In a career spanning more than three decades, Kim has been a K–12 teacher, adult and career education coordinator, and adjunct faculty at local universities for both undergraduate and graduate students.  Over the years, Kim has written and delivered professional development for hundreds of educators throughout California, focusing on mentoring and coaching in support of beginning educators, and has been a member of CTC/CDE Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) Design Team for General Education and Education Specialist. With an intense passion for teaching and learning as the basis for her work, Kim’s motto is: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."